CCP Faculty Bios and syllabus

Ernesto Todd Mireles, MSW. Ph.D. - has worked as a student, community, union, and electoral organizer. Coordinator of the Frantz Fanon Community Strategy Center at Prescott College, he organized for the United Farm Workers, United Steelworkers and American Federation of Teachers. Mireles is the co-director of the Social Justice Community Organizing Masters program where he teaches community organizing. He holds an MSW in organizational and community practice and a PhD American Studies from Michigan State University. Mireles’ recently published his first book Insurgent Aztlan: The liberating power of cultural resistance, which won a 2020 International Latino Book Award and is working on releasing a second book of shorter writings titled La Xicanada: Journal of Revolutionary Thought. Mireles is completing a documentary titled War of the Flea: Fight for Xicano Studies. Click here for list of syllabus.

Dr. Jerry Garcia was born and raised in Quincy, Washington to parents who worked in agriculture most of their lives. Dr. Garcia received his BA and MA at Eastern Washington University and Ph.D. in history from Washington State University. As Vice President of Educational Services, Dr. Garcia oversees among ohter projects the new Sea Mar Chicana/o and Latina/o Cultural and History Museum. Before joining Sea Mar, Dr. Garcia had nearly twenty years’ experience in higher education with academic appointments at Iowa State University, Michigan State University, Northern Arizona University. Dr. Garcia’s research focus is on Chicana/o History, Latin American and Mexican History, Asians in the Americas, immigration, empire, masculinity, and race in the Americas. Dr. Garcia’s most recent books are We Are Aztlan! Chicanx History in the Northern Borderlands (2017) and Looking Like the Enemy: Japanese Mexicans, the Mexican State, and U.S. Hegemony, 1897-1945 (2014).