Chicano Manifesto, the seminal book on Chicanismo and the Chicano Movement, is now available in a 50th Anniversary Edition and is signed by the author.
“I never could have envisioned that I’d be around to see a reprint of Manifesto a half century after it first came out but I’m not complaining. My intent is that new generations of Mexican Americans join with the elder Chicanas and Chicanos to face the next 50 years with a plan, with commitment to preserving and enhancing la cultura Chicana.”
“This 2021 reprint consists primarily of the Chicano Manifesto as first released,” Rendón states, “with all its flaws and shortcomings, even the portions that I would write differently today, along with the revelations about who we are as a people, the resilience and resistance that have enabled us to survive relentless efforts by the majority society to erase our memories and cleanse the history books of our existence. That is another key reason I wanted to make the book available again, to remind Mexican Americans of why we’re here and how much farther we have to go.”
To the appendix of the latest version, Rendón has added a paper he released in 2019 titled, “Blueprint for the Next 50 Years,” which sets out six areas of concern that Mexican Americans must address to fulfill the legacy of the Chicano Movement.
“Too much has happened in the past 25 years that can be easily recounted. The chief question in my mind recently has been, can we, by reflecting on the past and addressing issues facing us now, ensure our progress, meaning, are Mexican Americans, as a people, prepared to confront the next 50 years? We’ve not addressed that concern during the past half century; it’s time we do.”
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