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Writer's pictureErnesto Mireles

Colegio Chicano del Pueblo's first research project

Dear Colegio Chicano del Pueblo Colleagues :

Greetings, you are being invited to take part in the Colegio Chicano del Pueblo’s inaugural policy research study. The information in this form is provided to help you decide whether to take part. This is the first part of a four year study being conducted to identify key issues and language that politically mobilize Xicana/o/x in the United States. Xicano/Latino political parties can more effectively build mass mobilization with better data about the keywords and issues that mobilize the community.

What will happen during this study?

Each focus group will be held on Zoom 3:00 pm to 4:30 p.m. p.s.t. on the days listed below

  1. Principal investigators will contact participants by email with information on the study and the release form.

  2. Ten focus groups will be organized; participants will select the day of their participation by looking at the list of dates below. Click on the date you can participate and fill out the consent form.

  3. Each focus group will be 90 minutes, held online over Zoom, and recorded.

  4. The video transcripts will be transcribed and keyword coded. After the first transcription the video from the focus group will be deleted. The principal investigators will keep the audio from the focus group until the study is published. After the study is published the audio will be deleted.

  5. After the transcripts are completed the principal investigators will write and publish the study tentatively titled: Xicana/o/x Political Keyword Study

Sign up here to participate in the focus group study:

Please take a moment and read the study consent agreement found at each of the links above. As the Xicano/Latino population in this country becomes a majority of the US plurality the fight to find our political voice becomes more urgent. Please consider being a part of this study.


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