Xipe Totec
Will to Action

MeXicanos 2070 Statement of Solidarity Against Police Violence
MeXicanos 2070 grieves with and stands in solidarity with the Black community of Minneapolis in denouncing the murder of George Floyd.
We, the founders of Mexicanos 2070, represent a Xicana/o view of United States society that recognizes the essential bonds that exist among Xicana/os with African Americans and other peoples of color through a common history of resistance, survival and renewal. As peoples of indigenous origin, our destiny does not lie in racial and ethnic division, but rather, mutual respect and a common vision of a future. We see this even though whole segments of the United States fear and resist that truth; even to the point of bringing the country to ruin.
We value Black lives and the Black community and we know that whether it is another Black body left lifeless at the hands of police or a Brown child placed in a cage, at its core is the same senseless and inhumane mindset, the same hate, that has burned through our communities for centuries.
We recognize the African origins in ourselves and our moral ties with Black peoples in the U.S. and the world. We will not forget the inspiration and support we Xicanos drew from Black organizations and individuals during the height of the Chicano Movement, helping to make our resurgence possible and of their solidarity with raza and indigenous issues since. We also stand with the protesters at Minneapolis who represent the finest tradition of resistance.
We believe the atrocities inflicted on peoples of color in the United States by institutions and individuals under the color of law rise to the level of violations of international law and practice. We demand formal attention and redress among the world bodies of human rights law.
​Signed by,
Ernesto Todd Mireles, MSW., Ph.D.
Scott Duncan-Fernandez
Carlos Hernandez, MA International Relations, J.D.
Jacqueline Y. Macias
Armando Rendón

An essay, titled Blueprint for the Next 50 Years, published February 2020, written by Armando Rendón, a long-time writer on Chicano affairs, generated interest among other Mexican American scholars, writers and activists, who became the formative group behind the idea of launching the 50-year cycle. This group became MeXicanos 2070. The Blueprint Papers and its Six Concerns remain areas Xicanos need to address to arrive as a people.
Download The Blueprint papers below
Will to Action
launch of the next 50 year cycle
Next 50 Years Presentation
Xipe Totec
Colegio Chicano del Pueblo
About Colegio Chicano del Pueblo
MeXicanos 2070, a national organization dedicated to regaining and enriching Mexican American culture through educational programs and alliances launches the first classes of the Colegio Chicano del Pueblo (CCP), with college-level distance learning on September 16, 2020, in collaboration with Prescott College of Prescott, Arizona.
Dr. Ernesto Todd Mireles, a professor in Xicano Studies and Community Organizing at Prescott College, chair of the MeXicanos 2070, is the coordinator of the virtual school. Mireles, along with Dr. Jerry Garcia, Vice President of Educational Services at Sea Mar Community Health Centers in Seattle Washington, will kick off its first classes using the online learning platform Google Classroom.
“Our intent is to bring Xicano studies to the largest assembly of Mexican American students ever – anyone with access to a computer and the internet,” Mireles stated. “There is no cost to take the courses. The only expense to the student is the time and effort they put into working through the courses.”
Each self-paced course is set for an eight-week period. Course load work for each class will be the equivalent of a university level four-credit course. The three inaugural courses titled, Building MeXicano Political Power I and II, and Bringing Xicano History to the Present, will focus on building political power in Xicano communities and understanding their historical past.
“Regardless of your background or academic interest, it is important to understand the Xicano community to better address their needs and issues,” said Garcia.
Prior educational experience is not required to enroll in the CCP courses. Since each course is self-paced, the student works through the course until they have mastery of the subject. We believe Xicanos and Xicanas of all ages want access to professionally developed, undergraduate and graduate level courses specifically about the Xicano community. The goal of the CCP curriculum is to build a 28-32 credit program equivalent to a minor/specialization in a particular academic field.
“These free online courses will serve as a resource for professional development for grassroots community organizations who want to deepen staff knowledge on the history, literature, and politics of the Xicano community,” said Professor Armando Rendón, a board member for MeXicanos 2070 and author of the Xicano movement classic, Chicano Manifesto.
Head to colegiochicano.com for the latest information on free Chicano Education
Classes Offered

To reclaim and enrich our indigenous Mexican American culture and enhance our way of life.
MeXicanos 2070 is a non-profit organization committed to reclaim and enrich our indigenous Mexican American culture through a collective program of study, research and training to learn more and gain deeper understanding about our indigenous origins and advance our evolving role in the future of the Americas.
This organization seeks to reaffirm and reclaim our rightful place in history as a people that has been under attack at least since 1848, when the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the invasion of Mexico by the U.S.
Our purpose is to enhance the Mexican American way of life through recalling and renewing indigenous wisdom and tradition through exercising the Nahui Ollin, the four Tezcatlipocas of our ancient ancestors.
We are confident our efforts will clarify and reinforce how our contemporary world view is grounded in indigenous roots dating back thousands of years and embodies the best practices of health equity and human rights, of caring for and protecting Mother Earth, and interaction among and with other nations of the world.
As a nation within a nation, we will focus on the six concerns that have been designated in our founding documents as critical to ensuring our future, concerns that affect only us, that no one else will address, and that only we can resolve:
Preserve and enhance our culture, history and identity
Advance a world view that derives from that culture and history
Forming alliances with other indigenous tribes under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Institute an educational system from K-PhD, which combines today’s learning methods with ancient nahuatl wisdom, and
Continue the flowering of a unique literature and arts